-screw steam workshop
-you can now actually climb down the ladder after sanic hill zone
-demo man is on the last legs of his usefulness. Once you defeat him, you will have his power... but can you handle it?
-at this point it's kinda accepted that this game might just wind up being in development for who knows how long, and that each subsequent update it sorta considered an episode or something like that, except that you also get all the previous episode's content (though it may have changed due to bug fixes, so replayability!)
-nyx is now recruitable!
-battles now have a cool result screen afterwards!
-smoke, however, doesn't have a method of recruiting yet.
-chicken church is the current last level.
-if you make it to the fuck you dungeon... good luck finding anything there.
later planned things
-green sun demolition prevention sidequest (it kinda has a long convoluted path planned on paper but it's kinda hard trying to implement it)
-give nyx and smoke a better moveset
-finish the latest area
-add a ton of mcdonald's food to the database, complete with cheese effects, cooking disasters, food preferences, and icons
-add that creepy looking happy meal box as an enemy
-add the weed puncher
-add metreu's huge swords
-add a way to actually get to the islands or something eventually (boate?)
-add the tabletop garage
Version 5.8.1: Final update is here! -Jordan (previously smoke) is now recruitable!
(of course you have to go to hell and back just to get him, but them's the breaks)
-Nyx can unlock the power of her stand! Can you find it however?
-A ship has pulled into the harbor in Seth town! where is it going?
-where the heck is that breakfast menu
-Haven lies beyond the bridal boutique. and beyond that...?
-once you have ultimate power, what will you do with it?
Download link(important note: all bugs and glitches are final and considered part of the experience. there will be no bugfixing of any kind. that includes the vase in the marx.mid testing area.)